Frequently Asked Questions
Q#1. Why use Verifi®?
The Verifi® system takes the guesswork out of the slump, and
allows the truck to arrive on-site with consistent concrete, ready to
unload. Adopting this system eliminates making manual adjustment
to achieve the proper slump, thereby saving valuable time on the job.
Q#2. How does Verifi® work?
Verifi® is tied into the batch panel and dispatch systems, providing
real-time data from start to finish, for each and every load. Instead
of adjusting water with the ball valve, we now meter it through the
cab computer. We re-temper (add water) and secure results after
30 revolutions, per ASTM C94.
Q#3. How do I request a slump change when the truck
is on-site?
If you require a higher slump than what was requested at the time
of order placement, indicate to the driver the desired slump and he
will adjust through the Verifi® system. Any adjustments must be
signed for on the delivery tag.
Q#4. What if my slump request is outside of the design
parameters of the mix design I am pouring?
The customer accepts full responsibility for any adjustments
to the mix design outside of the designs specification. It is best to
contact your ready mix supplier. They will work with you to ensure
you are receiving the most appropriate mix for the job you are
working on.
Q#5. What do I do if I disagree with the slump reading that
Verifi® is displaying?
If you do not believe the displayed slump is correct, you should
request to have the slump checked by an onsite ACI certified
technician. Many concrete mixes can be very difficult to determine
an accurate slump without conducting an actual ACI slump test,
therefore please DO NOT rely upon a visual slump to determine the
slump of the concrete. If after conducting a proper slump test, it is
confirmed that the Verifi® system is reporting an incorrect slump you
should note this on the delivery ticket and ask the concrete delivery
professional to make the needed slump adjustments through the
Verifi® system. The driver will notify the Quality Control department
to validate the calibration of the truck.
Q#6. Can I see how much Verifi® has managed my load
of concrete?
Yes. Contact your ready mix supplier and they will be able to
provide you with documentation of the history of your load of
concrete, from the time it was batched until placement.
Q#7. Does Verifi® affect the characteristics of my concrete?
No, Verifi manages slump. The performance properties
associated with the specific concrete mix at the arrival slump
will not be changed.
Q#8. How often is Verifi® calibrated?
Verifi® is calibrated after initial installation and whenever it is
suspected that results are inaccurate. Water and admixture meters
are calibrated at the factory. NRMCA requires that water meters be
recalibrated every 12 months. Some state’s DOT’s require more
frequent water meter re-calibration.
Q#9. Can an inspector get Verifi® data?
The driver can show the inspector data on the in-cab interface.
Contact your local ready mix supplier who can provide additional
data upon request.
Q#10. Can Verifi® manage pervious concrete, flowable fill,
or self-consolidating concrete?
We anticipate having the ability to manage SCC and similar mixes
in the near future.
Q#11. Does drum build-up affect slump measurement?
Verifi monitors how much build up each truck has, and will alert the driver and the producer if it exceeds what Verifi can account for.